The Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) is a primary care pediatric program supporting families of children with chronic medical conditions or developmental disabilities, including babies born prematurely or with complex issues.

Children 20 years old and younger are eligible for any medically necessary and appropriate health care service that is covered by Medicaid, regardless of the limitations of the state’s Medicaid Program. Texas Health Steps-CCP services include the following benefits as well.

  • Treatment in freestanding psychiatric hospitals
  • Developmental speech therapy
  • Developmental occupational therapy
  • Augmentative Communication Devices/Systems
  • Private Duty Nursing

For more information about CCP and private-duty nursing, visit the Health and Human Services Commission web site. It explains the services provided by Medicaid, Medicaid Managed Care, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), as well as how to access those programs and services

The Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP)

The Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) is a Medicaid waiver program that provides respite care and other supports such as home modifications and adaptive aids for families with medically involved children and young adults. If your child has been in a Texas nursing home or is currently in a Texas nursing home, and is under age 21, the MDCP program may be able to help your child return home.

MDCP provides services to support families caring for children and young adults who are medically dependent and to encourage de-institutionalization of children in nursing facilities.


  • Respite: Direct care to an individual to provide a caregiver temporary relief from care giving activities when the caregiver would usually perform such activities.
  • Adjunct support services: Specific direct care needed by a person to participate in child care, post-secondary education or independent living during the time the caregiver is at work, attending job training or attending school.
  • Adaptive Aids: A device that is needed to treat, rehabilitate, prevent or compensate for a condition that results in a disability or a loss of function and helps a person perform the activities of daily living or control the environment. Adaptive aids are limited to $4,000 per eligibility period.
  • Augmentative Communication Devices/Systems
  • Private Duty Nursing

Minor Home Modifications

A physical change to an individual’s residence that is needed to prevent institutionalization or to support the most integrated setting for a person to remain in the community. Minor home modifications are limited to $7,500 during the individual’s lifetime and include:

  • Bathroom Modifications
  • Doorway Widening
  • Ramps

Transition Assistance Services

Services that pay for non-recurring, set-up expenses for essential items and services that allow people to transition from a nursing home to the community.

Financial Management Services

Services that assist an individual or family with managing funds associated with self-directing respite and adjunct support services through the Consumer Directed Services option.

The program provides services to support families caring for children and young adults who are medically dependent and to encourage de-institutionalization of children in nursing facilities. Texas Health and Human Services employees provide case management services.

We’ll Take Care Of Your Child, While You Take Care Of Yourself

Sometimes the responsibilities of being a caregiver overshadow other aspects of life. If you need time for personal care or other family members, to reduce stress, or catch up on rest or other activities, Dynamic Home Health Services can provide respite care during these times. Respite care allows you to be a caregiver for your family member, but also receive support when you need it. At Dynamic Home Health Services, we believe children are best cared for in a nurturing environment, where loving family members can surround them. We are passionate about working with families and caregivers to help keep medically fragile children in their homes to receive care.

At Dynamic Home Health Services, we’re here to help you get the care you need. Many insurance plans and Medicaid pay for our services, and we coordinate, bill directly, and handle the paperwork ourselves. In other words, we take care of the details so you can focus on your family.
When you choose Dynamic Home Health Services, you get the very best. Our healthcare professionals are highly skilled and have met stringent requirements to be Dynamic Home Health Services Approved. We bring more than 22 years of experience, and we are recognized as a national leader in pediatric home care.

Parenting is not the easiest task in the world, but it definitely is rewarding. As parents, we spend most of our time trying to take care of our children. Feeding and bathing them, dropping off and picking up from school, and helping with homework are just a handful of tasks that parents do on a daily basis. The list of tasks is endless, and as the laundry is finished, dinner is made, and dishes cleaned up each night, parents are already exhausted thinking about the next day.

When you are parenting a special needs child the daily list of tasks change and often increase. There are more doctor visits, therapy appointments, and health problems that bring constant worry and stress. Many parents do not realize that they can ask for help and support from outside services, but they can!

In-home care is an option for parents who need an extra hand or respite during emotional and physically overwhelming times. Taking care of a child with special needs can quickly take its toll on a parent who does not have time for themselves. In-come care for children with disabilities also allows parents to better focus on other children and family members as well as providing extra time and help to complete tasks that need to get done.

What Does In-Home Care Offer To Parents of Children With Special Needs?

In-home care providers are available for you during your time of need. They are not nurses and do not perform medical services, but they do provide assistance that can help parents ease tension and stress that can be damaging to their own health. To keep caregivers of children with special needs healthy, in-home caregivers can provide support so that caregivers do not fall ill themselves and maintain the ability physically and mentally to care for their children.

In-home Services Can Include:

  • Respite Care – Respite care isn’t just for the gravely ill. In-home care providers can come into your home for a scheduled amount of time and allow parents to take some time to themselves or other family members. Parents can spend some time on a hobby, get a massage, or go grocery shopping. The point is to give the permanent caregiver a break so that they can continue to support their loved ones with special needs.
  • Housekeeping – In-home providers provide light-housekeeping services. They can offer help with laundry, cleaning dishes, vacuuming, dusting, and more.
  • Errand Running – Having another hand that can run errands is immensely beneficial to parents of children with special needs. No need to pack up the kids to pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy or groceries for dinner, in-home care providers can do that!

Asking for help isn’t always easy. Especially when you are trying to be a good parent and take care of all your many responsibilities, but taking care of your family includes taking care of yourself. If you are a parent of a child with special needs, remember help will be there when you ask for it. Be honest about what your needs are and ask. Some insurance companies will help cover the cost of in-home services depending on the type of disability of the child. You don’t have to struggle to keep up with the demands of parenthood. If you need help, just ask. To schedule a free in-home assessment and discuss options call Dynamic Home Health Services today!