What Does My Insurance Cover

Home Health Care costs can be covered in a number of ways:

  • (1) Self-Paid without the assistance of an insurance program
  • (2) Paid all or in part by private insurance
  • (3) Paid all or in part by Medicare or Medicaid

Be prepared to check your health insurance coverage (group or private) or to check with your Medicare or Medicaid representative, if you are eligible for either of these plans. Benefits vary greatly, as do requirement for coverage. The home health service you choose should be able to help you determine coverage.

Medicare is a federal health care program for older and certain disabled Americans. Medicaid programs are health programs for the needy jointly supervised and financed by the federal and state governments.

In general, about 80 percent of the nation’s Blue Cross plans provide some home care benefits. More than a third of these require some prior hospitalization. Some home health care services – such as homemaking – are usually not covered by Blue Cross plans. Private insurers are now starting to provide home care benefits.

Medicare covers the home health services of nurses, therapists, social workers and home health aides. A physician must provide written orders for care to the providing agency. Check with your local Social Security office or home health agency for details. And YES! Dynamic Home Health Services is approved as a provider for both Medicare and Medicaid care.

Medicaid and other government programs cover many home health care services; some states include physical and occupational therapy and speech pathology in their covered services.

For a more complete look at Medicare and Medicaid coverage for home health services, please CLICK HERE.